Crédit photo : Pascal Balet
When passion unites us…
We are passionate about brewing, they are passionate about aviation…
L’A’Ventura has been created by 5 experienced pilot friends who fly all over Switzerland in their small 4-seater Ventura Experimental plane. Light, easy to handle and all yellow, it is consuming only as much as a car.
Full of humor and self-deprecation, these fun-lovers like our brewery so much they’ve displayed our logo on their little plane which they chose to register as I-DIOT because as they say out loud: We are not idiots but we fly with I-DIOT.
Of course, these responsible pilots never drink alcohol in flight, but they appreciate as much as we do to meet after their trips around a craft beer or home-made lemonade…
But why display our colors on a plane?
First of all, when these passionate people talk about aviation, they have the sparkling eyes as we do when we talk about our beers, but also because Robby & Corinne, the founders of 7Peaks, both worked in the aeronautics industry before changing life and brewing your favorite beers and drinks. Therefore they have a special link with the aviation world, hence this collaboration.
So look up and you might just see them flying overhead!
“Pierro” was born in Strasbourg, France but for the last 10 years he calls Lausanne home. He spends many of his weekends in Morgins where he snowboards in the winter, and freeboards in the summer. What is freeboarding? It’s a six wheeled board that has the same sensation as a snowboard, but on asphalt.
Pierre is passionate about freeboarding, and that is apparent when we watch his films. For example, riding the streets of Lausanne dressed like a waiter and delivering coffee to people! His videos get millions of views all around the world. Have a look at his films and you will understand why he is one of the 10 ambassadors of the Freeboard brand.

Photo credit: Adrien Michel

Photo credit: Etienne Claret
UCI BMX Supercross
Swiss BMX prodigy, Ugo lives in Troistorrents, close to the brewery. Addicted to adrenaline and speed, Ugo trains hard with passion and tenacity. His goal: to become one of the best Swiss BMX Supercross riders. He’s only 20 years old, but he is no stranger to the podium in Swiss, European and international competitions. Since 2018, he rides in the Elite category and is shoulder to shoulder with the best international riders.
When he’s not biking, we can find Ugo in the backcountry with his friends and really fat skis.
Ski Freestyle
We are proud to support Laurent De Martin and his friend Titouan Bessire to realize the coolest local project for 2020: a freeski movie 100% swiss made mostly shooted in our beautiful Région Dents du Midi 🇨🇭
From Switzerland With Love will be published for free in December 2020, and it’s going to be awesome!
Video credit: Titouan Bessire
Video credit: Etienne Claret
Show freestyle
The 7Peaks Riverstyle was the biggest freestyle ski event in Switzerland. It took place every March in Morgins and brought together some of the world’s best riders and over 5500 spectators. A stunning show, live music, DJ sets, the famous “Riverstyle Kids Day”, and all you need to eat and drink. The 2019 edition included for the first time ever, skis, snowboards, and mountain bikes, all at the same time! We were there from the beginning, and are so proud to have supported this crazy event!